Support for loved ones of users

At CONTROLLING CHEMSEX we understand that:

  • Chemsex is a reality that the majority of the society hasn’t even heard about, and sometimes people get to know about it because a loved one is using chems for sex and that is having an impact on their lives.
  • In those cases, they don’t know what to do, and they would love to help but they have no idea how.
  • It is clear that if they had a better understanding about this reality and they could get some support in order to deal with the problem, the role that they could play when helping their loved one would be much more effective than when they didn’t know what to do.
  • Considering that our ultimate goal is always to help as much as we can in any possible way, but not everybody who is struggling with chems is open to the idea of getting professional support, we understand that if we support those who are close to them, things would be much easier for everybody.
  • At the same time, if someone is getting professional support, that support would never be able to reach areas that could be reached by their loved ones. They can make plans together, they can be in touch all the time, and this element should be taken advantage of to increase the levels of support.

Precisely because of all this, at Controlling Chemsex WE ALSO SUPPORT PEOPLE WHO ARE CLOSE TO THOSE WHO ARE USING CHEMS: partners, relatives, friends, etc. We help them to understand this reality and what are their options regarding how to deal with this situation.

If you want to learn more about what is what you can do, you can get some tips and some information about how to support a loved one

If you want to talk about it with a member of the team, we will be really happy to meet you and to prepare a strategy about how to approach the situation more effectively. You only have to send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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